ContentBox v5.x is a major version update and will require the following instructions to update your v4.x installations. Please follow this guide or contact us at so we can assist you during your upgrade process.
All Upgrades to ContentBox should be done with the assistance of CommandBox CLI. So make sure you have CommandBox installed in the server/machine you will be upgrading.
Install CommandBox Dependencies
Once you have CommandBox installed, let's make sure we have some global dependencies installed so CommandBox can work with ContentBox automated upgrades:
# install env controls and db migrations
box install commandbox-dotenv,commandbox-migrations
This will install the environment module and the database migrations module that will be used to provide upgrades in the future. This is only done once. ContentBox 5 already ships with these dependencies once you install it.
Environment (.env)
The upgrade process and the database migrations rely on environment variables/secrets in order to connect to your database and migrate it. Create an .env file in the root of the ContentBox installation and add in the configuration according to your database and configuration preferences.
To generate a JWT secret key you can use CommandBox and run the following in the command prompt: #generatesecretkey "blowfish" 256
# App Name and Environment
APPNAME=ContentBox Modular CMS
# This can be development, staging, production or custom.
# The password for the CFML Engine Administrator
# The ColdBox Reinit password
# How long do admin sessions last (In Minutes)
# Development CBDebugger
# ContentBox ORM Settings
# --------------------------------
# This is used to configure the ORM via env settings usually for
# different RDBMS settings or options
# Dialect choices:
# MySQL, Hypersonic => org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect,
# PostgreSQL => PostgreSQL
# Microsoft SQL => org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServer2008Dialect
# Oracle => Oracle10g
# Derby => Derby
# Log sql to the console or not
# Sql Script to execute after ORM is initialized
# Activate secondary cache or disable it
# ContentBox Datsource and Migrations Variables
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# These settings configure the datasource connection to your database
# Please make sure you read the comments as there are differences
# between Adobe and Lucee. Uncomment your rdbms of choice, the options are:
# - MySQL 5.7
# - MySQL 5.8
# - PostgreSQL
# - Microsoft SQL
# - Custom Database
# MySQL 5.7 DB Driver
# Lucee Class
# Adobe Class
# Lucee Bundle Info: 5.1.40 IS THE ONLY ONE THAT WORKS FOR HIBERNATE + MySQL 5.7
# DB Location
# DB Credentials
# MySQL 8 DB Driver
## DB Location
## DB Credentials
# PostgreSQL DB Driver #
## DB Location
## DB Credentials
# Microsoft SQL DB Driver #
## DB Location
## DB Credentials
# JWT Information
# --------------------------------
# You can seed the JWT secret below or you can also leave it empty
# and ContentBox will auto-generate one for you that rotates
# everytime the application restarts or expires
# AWS S3 or Digital Ocean Spaces
# --------------------------------
# If you are using any of our S3/Spaces compatible storages, you
# will have to seed your credentials and information below
Please note that once you are on ContentBox 5 none of these steps will be necessary anymore. Since it is part of the default installation.
Please note that this .env file should NEVER be in source control and NEVER be web accessible
If you are running CommandBox as your server of choice, then you can update your .cfconfig.json in the root of your application to the following:
This will tell CommandBox migrations how to connect to your database in preparation for upgrades. Please note that the contentbox:migrate scripts are to execute migrations for ContentBox. You can have app migrations as well, following the normal migrations approach.
Once this is done we can reload the CommandBox shell with the command reload and it's time to make sure migrations can connect to your database with the variables and connection information:
# Run the migration table installation
$ migrate install
Migration table installed!
If this command succeeds, then we are ready to go to the next step. If it fails, then check your credentials, connection information and that you can actually connect to the database. If not, ask away in our community forum:
2. Backups
Please make sure you backup your source code and your database. We are not liable for broken installations.
Make sure the database, the tables and columns are using utf8mb4 if you are using MySQLx
3. MySQL UTF8mb4
If you are using MySQL you will need to make sure your database and your tables are all using the following character set: utf8mb4 and NOT just utf8. ContentBox 5 requires the charset to be utf8mb4.
We also suggest you use the utf8mb4_general_ci collation for your database, tables and columns as well.
4. Run the Updater
We have prepared a CommandBox task that will upgrade your installation in one easy execution.
If you are in a Linux or Mac environment you can execute the task using the following shell commands from the root directory of your application.
# Download the updater
curl -o Updater.cfc
# Execute the task
box task run Updater.cfc
# Clean it up
rm Updater.cfc
If you are in windows, download the following task:
It will create .bak files for the originals so you can manually merge in any changes you had before.
Once you do, go ahead and startup the engines! You are upgraded!
Optional Steps
If you had developed themes, modules, models, or any type of extension based on ContentBox 4, you will most likely have to update your code to match the new interfaces, methods and approaches.
ContentBox Models Namespace
If you had custom models, modules, themes and widgets, please do a search for the old injection namespace of @cb for ContentBox models. Then replace it with the new namespace @contentbox.